Mary H. Fimbres


Mary H. Fimbres

National & State Certified Therapist

My mission: provide caring, supportive counseling and education for the successful management of life's challenges.
family counseling

Mary Fimbres family counseling

NEW ADDRESS as of 9/12/2019

The Atrium At Arrowhead
17505 N 79th Avenue
Ste 304 B
Glendale, Arizona 85308
map & directions

623-937-3556  phone
623-937-3557  fax

Address before 9/12/2019

Bell Plaza Professional Building
South Building
17220 North Boswell Blvd.
Ste 204-E
Sun City, Arizona 85373
map & directions

623-937-3556  phone
623-937-3557  fax

Therapy For Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety, stress and worry can be a great motivator. It can inspire us to work harder, complete our tasks and become responsible for ourselves. When it becomes excessive, however, it can interfere with daily living. There are many types of anxiety disorders.

The National Institutes Of Health website lists some of them as:

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
panic disorder
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
social phobia
mixed anxiety (combination of the above)

Changing the way in which one thinks about a given situation is known as cognitive therapy. This involves re-analysis of a situation. For example, changing the belief that one has little chance of getting hired will help decrease anxiety during an interview. Changing the way in which one reacts to a given situation is known as behavioral therapy. For example, one has a choice of responses - anger, acceptance, non-judgment. The two parts joined together is called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and has proven to be very affective in the management of anxiety disorders. Through the guidance of a knowledgeable, compassionate therapist, a calmer life can be achieved.

Also see: Stress Counseling