Mary H. Fimbres

About Mary H. Fimbres

National & State Certified Therapist

My mission: provide caring, supportive counseling and education for the successful management of life's challenges.
Mary Fimbres family counseling

Office Location

NEW ADDRESS as of 9/12/2019

The Atrium At Arrowhead
17505 N 79th Avenue
Ste 304 B
Glendale, Arizona 85308
map & directions

623-937-3556  phone
623-937-3557  fax

Address before 9/12/2019

Bell Plaza Professional Building
South Building
17220 North Boswell Blvd.
Ste 204-E
Sun City, Arizona 85373
map & directions

623-937-3556  phone
623-937-3557  fax


Therapy For Life's Challenges

I provide a variety of therapy services to help navigate the many challenges of life. My goal is to provide compassionate, supportive therapy to assist my clients in identifying problems, and developing skills to manage life's challenges, leading to a more fulfilling life.

I am bilingual Spanish and English, with expertise in employee assistance, community resources, employee issues, crisis intervention, behavioral health problems, conflict management, family relationships, grief counseling, marriage counseling, gay and lesbian counseling, geriatric concerns, life transistions, and substance abuse.

Please click on the the "counseling" button in the above menu for detailed information on the various types of counseling services. If you do not see what you need on the list please feel free to contact me; I would be happy to assist you.

Click "Contact" in the above menu to submit a question or request an appointment. I will respond as quickly as possible.

Professional Training

Masters Degree in Human Resources; Ottawa University; Phoenix, Arizona
Masters Degree in Social Work; Arizona State University; Tempe, Arizona

Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation; University of Arizona; Tucson, Arizona